"Patricia's Veil"

"Patricia's Veil"
"Patricia's Veil"by :creative ,eclectic artist Sarah Dueth

Friday, April 13, 2012

Patricia Hassey (allard)presents: artist/photographer Peter Geisler(Denmark)

I love Peter's photography....his works..are "unforgettable"..which to me is the true sign of a great artist..using the medium of "photography"...which as we all know is a very very difficult form of Art...some love..some don't..some concider it art..and other's..again..don't..
But the Artist..as the "photographer" always and consistantly use's his creative "eye" to capture the art..in even the simplest way...hence ...creating the "art of photography"..image's..that are unforgettable....Peter's works...are "haunting" yet..has a bit of "whimsie" as with my favorite.."the cow"..i love that..why?...hmmm...maybe the simplicity, or that..he just caught the image at the perfect time..with the perfect backround..and its alot of fun too...contact Patriciahassey1gmail
...Peter Geisler"from Denmark with love"...(photographer)